Libros recomendados
Many clients ask me what books I recommend. Here is a list of the books I have read and recommend for specific purposes.
I am not your perfect mexican daughter
by Erika Sanchez
This is a novel about a young Mexican woman living in Chicago, daughter of conservative, traditional Mexican parents. This book is relatable to adolescents caught up between the struggle of living in America, yet having traditional Latino parents. I would reccomend this book for young adolescent women, but also for parents who are looking for ways to connect and relate to their daughters and see things from their perspective.
The completion process
by Teal Swan
This is a great, content dense book about healing childhood traumatic events. The author does a great job of outlining the process to heal from such events and liberate yourself from the impact such events have on adulthood. She outlines "the completion process" to feel whole and complete. I highly recommend this book for individuals who are going thru a journey of self-healing and who need a guideline to repair the effects of childhood trauma. It is a dense book, so take your time reading and consult with a therapist if needed.
by Michelle Obama
Wonderful story of Michelle Obama's life and trajectory to the White House. It is a great book for inspiration and empowerment of women and especially women of color. Michelle Obama is an amazing narrator and orator and the audiobook is great to listen to as well. I reccomend this book for especially for women of color who are looking for inspiration and empowerment. Definitely keeping this in my library.
Everything is figureoutable
by Marie Forleo
This is a book about positivity and looking at things in a way that are simple to solve and overcoming obstacles. Marie has a great personality and it shines thru her book. I recommend this book for anyone, particularly women, who are facing challenges in regards to their professional or personal life and are looking for inspiration on how to work around their thoughts and beliefs to overcome these challenges. Easy read.
Conscious Uncoupling
by Katherine Woodward Thomas
Content dense book about separating from a partner. In this book the author describes a process of healthy separation and amicably parting ways, not jsut physically, but being able to emotionally let go of a partner. I recommend this book for anyone who has gone thru a difficult separation in the past, has not being able to let go of an ex, or is thinking of separating and wants to know what is the best way to go about it. It is dense, so take your time and consult with a therapist.
by Deepak Chopra
This book describes how a person can gain a higher awareness of consciousnes. This book is for the spiritually aware "woke" individual who is really wanting to know more about what is this world we live in and how can a person achieve greater levels of awareness, consciousness, and creativity.
The power of now
by Eckhart Tolle
Learning to live in the present is a very important skill for mental health. This book is the one book to learn and understand what it means to live in the present moment. An essential on your journey to psychotherapy and mental health.